Saturday, June 6, 2015

That's What I Think

Do you know what I think?  I think people should know what I think. I think people want to know what I think. I have many thoughts and I think the world deserves the opportunity to see those thoughts.  I think the world needs that opportunity, that it craves my insight. I think the lack of that opportunity is why we have so much angst and unhappiness.

OK, maybe not, OK, probably not. OK, definitely not. So why start a blog?  As I stated above, I have a lot of thoughts. I'd like to think that some of these thoughts are interesting  or amusing and that others might think so as well. So even though the world has neither demanded nor even requested a medium for seeing what passes through my brain, I am going to provide one anyways. I don't know exactly what direction this will take but if you happen to stop by let me know what you think.

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